Here is an interesting (embarrassing?) fact about me: I have a link to Bizarre American Holidays bookmarked at work. It comes in handy more than you would think (if only to wish my coworkers Happy Winnie the Pooh Day). On that note, Happy Lame Duck Day! So I thought I would put that info to good promotional use and help you plan some last-minute promotions for February and March.
February 11 is White T-shirt Day
White T-shirt Day symbolizes the fight for fair working conditions in 1937. Encourage your outdoor, construction or other manual labor clients to give out white T-shirts on that day. This is an easy last-minute promotion because minimal or no decoration is needed.
February 14 is Valentine’s Day
It would be great if everyone that visited your client’s company loved it so much they got a tattoo of its logo, but that is not always an option. So try temporary tattoos for Valentine’s Day to give your client a week’s worth of logo love in February.
February 23 is International Dog Biscuit Appreciation Day
This holiday offers many promotional markets: veterinarians, pet stores or anyone who loves cuddly, little puppies (everyone). Your clients can sell or give out logo’d dog biscuits.
March 25 is International Waffle Day
Your resort and spa clients can celebrate with waffle weave robes and waffles. They can also clean up with waffle dishcloths.
March 28 is Something on A Stick Day
This one is self-explanatory, but I’ll help you out with a few suggestions: Flag on a Stick, Toy on a Stick, Spirit Item on Stick and Candy on Stick.
March 31 is Bunsen Burner Day
Bunsen Burner day celebrates the invention of the chemistry-class essential. You can plan school- or science-themed promotions with burnout tees, after-burn ointment (just in case), and a scientist stress reliever.